Drought Season?

 The Rose of Sharon

As a beautiful flower, it will wither if it lacks water, light, and nutrients. 

We go through seasons of drought, darkness, and lacking nutrients. During these times we need to be encouraged and that God will supply all our needs and that it is just a season.  

Remember when you are in the marketplace that you don’t have to have some program or adgenda, you just have to be available.

Today I had the opportunity to connect with a person whom I have not heard from in months.  She has been through a rough time, but I just learned of it today. 

Listening to her story and being able to connect with her after all this time was a confirmation to me that Marketplace Ministry is about relationships.  We have been working on our websites, and Tele-Seminars, and all the stuff, but not building relationships. 

Being a Marketplace minister means that you are a willing vessel, serving, and letting God use you.  Praise God that I was able to be used and I was able to offer a word of encouragement and just in Gods timing.

Are you going to be willing to let God use you and be someones water, light, or nutrients today?




3 Replies to “Drought Season?”

  1. You are absolutely correct. I know when meeting with different individuals doing consultations I find that the agenda or schedule may sometimes have to go to the side. The Spirit will sometimes lead to go in a different route entirely from what I was planning. It’s all good though.

    Great post. Keep it up 🙂

  2. My partner and I were discussing this very thing last night. When you are lead by anointing and being obiedient to the spirit, the Lord can use you in mighty ways.

    Praise the Lord!

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